Amazon Dress Styled 3 Ways! View this post on Instagram It’s been awhile SISTAS! I feel like after all the craziness and excitement of last week we’re finally getting back to our (new) normal! We want to hear from you all! Please comment below on what you guys want to see more of heading into spring//summer! Tutorials, faith, you name if!? We have lots of fun ideas but we loveeee hearing what you all want! Hope you like this video we made! This dress from @amazonfashion is only $25 and so flattering and great quality (it’s even lined)!!! We linked everything you see on the video on the app! We have a highlight bubble on how to use and shop this free app! ••• #liketkit #LTKspring #LTKstyletip #LTKunder50 #tryon #tryonhaul @sugarland 🎶 song “All I Want To Do” A post shared by Soul Sisters Blog (@soul.sistersblog) on Mar 11, 2020 at 6:08pm PDT FashionMaci CarlileMarch 20, 2020 Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 0 Likes