Who we are
Maci & Casey
In a nutshell, I’m a wifey to my hunky high school sweetheart who swept me off my feet at 14 years old and changed my life forever. We now have two crazy, wild child boys that have completely stolen my heart, sanity and sleep.
We live in the country of Northern California with two golden doodle pups, chickens (named the “dixie chicks”) and lots of adventure. I’m a NICU RN by day and a maid, laundry fairy and short order cook by night.
I’m a wannabe fashionista and interior designer with my BFF sister, Lo. But above all I’m a believer in trusting God’s plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11), finding identity and peace in things that cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:28), and loving others with the compassion of Jesus (John 15:12).
Lo & Matt
I am the younger sister, obviously, bringing a bit more sass and sarcasm into the mix, because what else are younger sisters for?
To sum me up, I have been married for 3.5+ years to my college neighbor, and the most handsome financial planner in all the land. I am currently pregnant with our first baby and it’s a GIRL, we cannot wait to meet her in March 2020. My 2 nephews bring me joy I never knew possible and I truly feel like the luckiest auntie in the world.
I worked at Nordstrom for 8+ years before my most recent career change where I am a recruiter for nurses who travel, and I love it!
I am a makeup junkie, sipping wine online shopper, competitive fitness enthusiast, and total fashion lover. My sister is truly my best friend in the entire world and #soulsister for life. Above all things am a believer in Christ Jesus, choosing joy always James 1:2-8.
What we do

Want SoulSisters to come speak at your MOPS group, High School youth group, or another event?
Here are some examples of topics we can speak on on
IG monetization and branding
How to manage social media in your life- “Salt of the Social”
Our story/testimony and the start of Soul Sisters blog